
6-3 6-3
雖然贏了 但小費沒有打得很好

小費進場 這次也有跟一個小孩在身邊 (對手旁邊也跟著一個較高的小孩)

拍照 & 握手 雖然另一個小孩在另一邊
Roger握完自己的 也有主動跟另一個小孩握手
so sweet


例行公事:拿兩瓶水 & 鋪兩層毛巾

加油團的小孩 球評:他們也許跟父母說 我今天不能去學校 因為Roger有比賽XD

第一盤 小費先發
小費回擊失誤頗多 沒辦法有破發點
但也是一堆失誤 小費才能保發
口|| 這兩人在幹嘛啊~~~
第六局 小費終於擊出正拍好球
1破發點 對手出界失誤 破發4-2 @@
第九小費局 love game 6-3

then 突然跳到ㄧ局結束= =
根本不知道中途發生什麼事情 )

右邊那張 是失誤之後的發怒!!!

第二盤 對手先發
第三局 對手double fault加上出界失誤 拿到2個破發點
但是咧 deuce 好幾次 小費沒能把握住1-2
接下來小費局 出現2個被破發點
對手好像發威了 最後呢 關鍵時刻
then 第五局小費從0-30追到1個破發點
可是還是敗在自己失誤 造成deuce 最後沒能破發
這時 我就在想 老天爺啊 快讓小費破發啊~~~
實在很想趕快結束這場比賽= =

2-3後 對手傷停 小費也有好好冷靜想想吧~~~
第7局 小費回擊突如其來改變方向的正拍得分
球評:outstanding = =" 終於有好球了啊~~~~
最後對手是敗在自己要截擊 結果掛網4-3
(= = ... 這到底是一場怎樣的比賽?!)
第9局 看到小費好久不見過網急墜的backhand小球
2盤末點 在最後ㄧ個盤末點 破發


看今天的數據 就知道兩位先生打得多糟

小費的眼睛在發亮 炯炯有神 (原size)

=ˇ= Roger 整個也太可愛了吧 (Thx to - Mark)

中場休息2(Roger Nike Training影片& 連結)

Q: Are you very pleased with that performance?

FEDERER: Yes. I think it was a tough match. He is a very talented player who has got the game to upset anybody on any surface. I think I did well. I had to work hard because I expected him coming out with a different tactic, instead of just trying to keep the serves and forehand in play, I thought he would go for much more aces and big forehands. But he was almost more aggressive with the backhand. So, it was quite a surprise. But I played well under the circumstances. In the end, it was unfortunate for him that his foot maybe hurt a little bit but I don't think that had very much to do with the end.

Q: Did you get to do all the things you yourself wanted to do?

FEDERER: I had to adapt in the very beginning but other than that, I served decently well. I could have played my backhand a little better. But it took me a little time to get used to the leftie again. I tried to play aggressive but it was not easy against him. But as the match went on, I got better which was a positive sign.

是說 看完整個比賽
我都沒有發現對手是左撇子ㄝ 口||

Q: You might play a leftie in the final if you both get there again this week and you might again in Paris. So, was it useful practice to play a leftie today?

FEDERER: In some ways I guess you can look at it that way that it's good to play lefties because of Rafa, but I don't think that is the issue here. It's just good playing lefthanders once in a while because you get to see different dimensions, and more looking ahead to Paris, you've played a leftie again not 5 months back but only a week back. It just helps. I practiced even with Fernando on Sunday here. So I got plenty of left-handed practice. It was just a good thing this week to play a few more lefthanders than usual.

Q: This is not a tennis question but one, that has to do with your humanitarian interests and causes. You did the Tsunami and also helped in the hurricane in America and there is a tennis centre for kids in South Africa. Will you continue to do this? Do you have time?

FEDERER: I'm not there myself a whole lot but I've been there a couple of years ago. I'm planning again a trip next year. So, that's definitely on my schedule. What I'm doing is supporting kids to have a chance to have an education. Usually the kids are between 8 and 15 years old. It started with a project in South Africa. By now, we expanded and have few more projects we support, one in Mali, one in Tanzania, one in Ethiopia. We go a little bit more in South Africa maybe, but Africa as a whole because there are more poor countries up north. I'm just looking into how my plan and my trip will be next year. At the moment, I'm just trying to generate a lot of money for the kids. We're doing a good job, we raised a few million dollars already, which is very positive. I enjoy doing it.

Q: Is that closest to your heart, doing things with kids?

FEDERER: Yes, kids are the obvious future and I think it's always nice when you give them a chance. And Africa, there's an obvious connection through my mum who is born in South Africa.

Q: How do you raise the money?

FEDERER: I don't do charity events actually. I attend some of them but not a whole lot anymore. When I get guarantees from certain tournaments I make sure some part of the money goes to the foundation, I give away a lot of shirts; not very often do we get the money out of sales because it's a goodwill to have a charity. But some charities, like in Switzerland, they want to give a way money to foundations, they chose mine for instance. But only a select few. Then you have private people, who support my foundation which are very important people. That creates a lot of money already itself.

Q: …

FEDERER: I didn't know it would work for No. 2. Logically, this might be more important for Rafael than for me. But both have to win their match first. It looks like Novak is winning, and Rafa first has to win against Moya. But, sure, it looks as if it will happen. It's interesting for the tennis, for sure. It's a good story. And Rafa is surely the favourite because of all his successes on clay. He always has an incredible run on clay. So he is definitely the favourite against all, also against Djokovic. But it's surely interesting for the media.

Q: …

FEDERER: I haven't thought about the fact, that it might influence the seeding in Paris. But honestly, it doesn't matter. The number 3 can be on my side or the other side. It's not like it used to be, maybe like it still should be, that no.1 plays no. 4 and no. 2 plays no. 3. That's being drawn now, unfortunately.

Q: It's possible that you will play the semis against Nicolas Kiefer. What do you think about that?

FEDERER: Good, he played a great tournament up to now, no matter if he wins today or not. If he wins today it will be a even better tournament for him. I played a couple of times against him, lost a few times, but also won. So I know where his strength is. He is a very good player with a lot of talent. Unfortunately he was injured a bit. So I'm happy for him to have found his old form again. Once I had an important match against him in the semis of the Australian Open, so I know him quite well.

Q: Where do you see his strength?

FEDERER: The aggressive game, he can play drop shots, back hand, forehand, he can play them both aggressively. He is also very fit, very fast. He brings a lot of good things with him on court.

Q: Until now you always were the favourite of the audience. How will it be for you if you play the local hero?

FEDERER: I think the audience will be behind him, right? But I hope it will be fair. But I don't have a problem, I play the local hero across the world, it wouldn't be the first time, and it can't get worse than playing Agassi at the US Open. So I'm confident.

Q: Would you prefer to play against Seppi or Kiefer?

FEDERER: Rather against Kiefer.

Q: How much hope is there for the audience that you will be challenged at least once? Of course you like to win, but they would probably like to watch a tight match with you.

FEDERER: There are other players for that, who play exciting matches. I don't feel like it (laughs). I prefer to finish in 2 sets. I like it that way. But suddenly there will be a tough match and then you have to be ready. I always prepare myself for a tough match. That's why I always take enough shirts and shoes with me in my bag that I won't get into a situation without having enough rackets for example. I only used 3 rackets of the 7 I had today, but I would have been prepared for a long 3-set match. Maybe we will have one tomorrow, who knows.

Q: You said that Switzerland might win the Euro title. Were you serious? And why?

FEDERER: The home field advantage (laughs). You are also talking about Nicolas Kiefer being able to win here. We, Swiss are the same, no? I believe that all, who play at home have a chance, also the Austrians, but maybe we are to be favoured a bit more than the Austrians. I don't see a reason to be pessimistic. I just hope the first matches will go well so we get through the group stage.

Q: If the Swiss team were to be European Champions you would suddenly have to share your glory.

FEDERER: No problem. I would be more than happy to. No, it would be excellent and it would be during Wimbledon. The whole of Switzerland would be satisfied, not only me.

QF Highlights PT1

QF Highlights PT2


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