
7(10)-6(8), 5-7, 7-6(2), 6-2
普普通通還過得去 差點以為五盤大戰要提前上演~


Photos from

馬上連到ustream 看了不久也斷掉了
就可以按下去接著看 有大部分的時間破都是在fromsports看的
so 還不至於到長時間看不到Roger的窘境啦~

第一盤 對手先發
Roger一直打高飛球 @@
這局deuce 8次以上才保發
因為對手緊追不放 一有機會就進攻 毫不手軟
對手一個反拍截擊 破了Roger的發球局
下一局 在對手很有信心 不斷上網進攻壓迫下
Roger也很拼 還好對手還是有失誤
Roger反拍穿越拿到兩個破發點 接著馬上破了回來扯平
對手的發球局Roger拿分的機會似乎不多 = =
而且也常被左右調動 主導權好像在對方那
第一分Roger掌控 先有個mini break
誰知下一分上網 應該要in的卻打出了界
後來有一球Roger質疑是出界 後來就沒打了
對手陣營的人臉上是偷笑的神情 口||
該Roger發球 Roger很帥的連兩球發球得分
對手上網要壓迫Roger 自己打出了界
7-7 兩人來回擊球好幾次 看得非常緊張
好在最後對手打出高飛球 Roger又來記正拍致勝
輪到Roger出現盤末點了 卻因為掛網錯失良機
最後Roger在對方手上打出穿越 上網壓迫

第二盤 Roger先發
當中有一球 Roger上網 對手回擊
球好像因為彈到網子 整個往上竄
還好Roger反應快 身體雖然閃躲了一下
但手還是把它擋下來 嚇死人了
在第二局的時候 因為這樣再加上Roger打出穿越
有兩個破發機會 在第二個破發點 對手大打出界
馬上下一局 就給了對手兩個破發點
反拍直線出界後 被對手破了回來
但是在Roger積極進攻之下 把對手逼到deuce
第9局Roger開始變得很活躍 還以love game保發5-4
第12局 是很緊張的一局 因為對手一度出現盤末點

第三盤 Roger先發
然後第3局 一堆失誤後 又給對手2個破發點口||
自己打出界 被對手二度破發
說到這個比數 Roger曾經也從這個比數倒趕回來過
下一局 Roger馬上拿到3個破發點
沒想到被對手扳回deuce 對手最後保發了
對手速度挺快的 Roger的球他都能穩穩的打回去
第8局的時候也很緊張 因為對方就快拿走第三盤了
Roger保發之後 比數來到4-5
第10局 my god 緊張到最高點
Roger是否能再度破發呢? 還是這盤被對手拿走?
終於在Roger的努力之下 出現一個破發機會
對手出界後 Roger終於全破回來了
第3分對手掛網Roger有一個mini break
對手連兩次出界失誤 讓Roger順利保發 超險的
接著對手又打出界了 Roger有兩分的領先
比數來到6-2 Roger殺了兩次球 終於把這分拿下 臉上終於出現笑容
最後第三盤Roger搶七 以7-2拿下第三盤
Roger打完這盤 就去上廁所

第四盤 對手先發
對方放了小球 Roger從另一方過來
對方殺球 被Roger打了回去 最後自己出界
Roger把對方逼到deuce之後 打了一個致勝球又破發了
Roger順利保發之後 比數來到5-1

Time by Set: 66 54 55 30

Acasuso (ARG) / Federer (SUI)

1st Serve %: 96 of 154 = 62 % / 101 of 142 = 71 %
Aces: 5 / 11
Double Faults: 2 / 0
Unforced Errors: 40 / 45
Winning % on 1st Serve: 59 of 96 = 61 % / 75 of 101 = 74 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve: 31 of 58 = 53 % / 22 of 41 = 54 %
Winners (Including Service): 39 / 72
Receiving Points Won: 45 of 142 = 32 % / 64 of 154 = 42 %
Break Point Conversions: 5 of 10 = 50 % / 6 of 12 = 50 %
Net Approaches: 24 of 42 = 57 % / 35 of 48 = 73 %
Total Points Won: 135 / 161

賽後記者會影片Roger穿了一件和帽子同色的RF T-shirt呢
在Tennis Warehouse也有看到

R. FEDERER/J.Acasuso

7‑6, 5‑7, 7‑6, 6‑2

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. How pleased were you to be able to cope with all the emotional highs and lows of that match? Looked like you should have lost the first set, you lost the second, should have lost the third, and you won it in four.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, could have won both, first three sets. Could have lost them, also. Of course, I'm thrilled, you know, to be through. It was sort of a fun match to be part of, you know, with so many ups and downs. It's not the usual, you know.

I thought Jose played well, and I started to struggle a little bit throughout the third set after sort of being up a break in the second set and things were looking like things were under control. I was mistaken.

I'm happy to have come through such a tough match, you know. Those matches are good, you know, knowing that physically it wasn't a problem. I'm excited about the next match, that's for sure.

Q. Do you think that during the most difficult moments of the match, especially the first three sets, you took advantage of your mental toughness, which is maybe even more than Acasuso's?
ROGER FEDERER: Sure. I mean, I guess in such a match it comes down to details, you know. Mentally I've always been very strong, but I'm not being put in a position like this very often, you know. So it was good to win both breakers. I mean, I definitely think he didn't play a good tiebreaker in the third set, but I had to get there first after being so bad.

I thought he made it really difficult for me today. I was looking for my game, you know, midway through the third set, just trying to get the rallies going my way. It was hard,because he was playing so well.

Definitely it was a sign of mental strength, and, you know, the physical abilities I have.

Q. Did you start to have any problem with your shoulder?
ROGER FEDERER: Shoulder? (肩膀?)

Q. Yeah. (是的)

ROGER FEDERER: No. Not that I know of. (Laughter.) (沒有,就我所知沒有(笑))

Q. Was that a good kind of fighting match to get out of the way in this round as opposed to later on? And then perhaps, you know, something more about your clay game now.

ROGER FEDERER: Well, absolutely. I think conditions made it definitely hard today for the players, you know. It was slow, so you had to really be very patient and that might have played in his favor.

But, you know, coming through such a match is always a great feeling. Like I said, I'm not part of such close matches that often, you know. So when they happen, you know, it's great to put in the fight when you can. I was happy with my performance today, you know, because the stats actually looked pretty good. I just had to stay calm with all the ups and downs there were in the first three sets.

Q. In the last set, and when he got behind, he started to look a little discouraged or tired. Did that allow you to relax at all?
ROGER FEDERER: Sure, a little bit. But at the same time, you don't really relax until you have maybe double break, especially after seeing what happened one set before, you know, even with double break. You're not that relaxed anymore because conditions were kind of slow,and there was always a chance he might get back in it.

He definitely looked a bit tired tome. I was just trying to really tightenup my game, and I was able to do it and close him out. It was a good feeling.

Q. As fatherhood gets closer and closer, have you thought at all about how that's going to change your approach to tennis, or perhaps even to life?
ROGER FEDERER: Um, not a whole lot, but I'm very excited,obviously, about it. You know, we talk about it with Mirka on a regular basis, and I'm sure it's going to have a very positive impact, you know, for my personal life, obviously.

I think for my tennis life, too,it's just going to make it more exciting, trying to find the best ways to balance both things. I know from my side I'll be as professional as ever, you know, even when the baby is there. It's something I'm really looking forward to,and, yeah, I'm excited.

Q. Do you have any kind of plan laid out for the first few weeks?
ROGER FEDERER: No. I mean, Mirka would like to travel with me as much as possible, you know. But we'll see how it goes. I mean, honestly, I'm kind of in the French Open right now. I'm trying to, you know,mentally also be with Mirka as much as I can, obviously.

Q. It looks like you do not have so many options on clay as on other surfaces. What's your thought about when one doesn't work? It's more difficult on clay?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, there's always going to be different types of games, you know, in all different surfaces, you know. Then you also have different opponents making it more difficult for you.

I think a player like José suits me definitely better on a faster court where I've played him a few times. But when you play him on clay, you've never played him there, that makes it more difficult than today. Conditions were very slow, extremely slow. It was even raining in the beginning.

So of course that takes away game plans, because you can't just attack the net blindly and try to bluff your way through a match like this, especially best‑of‑five set match.

Clearly it does take away options. Not just for me, but for anybody. I still feel I have plenty of ways to try and beat a player. José played me well today, and it was a close match.
(在不同的場地總是有不同的比賽型態,而且你還有不同的對手,讓比賽變得更困難。我想像 José 這樣的球員,在比較快的球場會比較適合我,我已經和他打過幾次,但當你在紅土和他打,你從未在那跟他打過,那讓事情會變得比今天更困難。情況走得很慢,真的極為緩慢,一開始還下了雨。所以當然一些作戰計畫就沒有效果,因為你不能盲目的上網進攻,在這樣的比賽中也不能用這樣的方式來虛張聲勢,特別是五盤三勝的比賽。明顯得有些選擇就不能用,不只是我,任何人都是。我還是覺得自己有很多方法可以嘗試,並且擊敗對方。José今天和我打得不錯,這是場很接近的比賽。)

Q. You've had a lot of success in Shanghai at the Masters Cup, but what do you envision it as you go there as a Masters Series? What kind of tournament is going to shape up?
ROGER FEDERER: I think it's going to be very exciting for the fans to see, you know. A ton of players all of a sudden, you know, after just seeing sort of a handful, and I think that's going to be nice.

Also, it's an outdoor event now, so the roof is going to be nice and open. It's going to look fabulous. Then the whole feeling on the grounds, you know, I think it's not something you really have during the Masters Cup. It was all based around center court.

So I think that's going to be nice for the Chinese fans to go there and see. I'm excited to go there, and hopefully it's going to be a nice event again. I'm sure they'll put on a beautiful tournament.
(我想球迷會很期待看到,在少數球員參賽之後,突然有很多球員參加,我想會很棒。當然,它現在是場戶外賽事,所以屋頂會打開,看起來會很棒。 然後在場地上的整個感覺,我想應該不是在大師盃會有的感覺,以前都在中央球場周圍。所以我想對於去那邊的中國球迷會很棒,我很期待到那裡,希望它會又是一個很好的賽事,我確定他們會舉辦一個美麗的賽事。)

THE MODERATOR: Questions for French.

Q. At 5‑1 you scared your fans. Were you afraid, too?
ROGER FEDERER: I think it was okay. But the way the game was in the third set, I was not particularly happy. I changed my tactic at the beginning of the third set. It didn't work out well, especially on my return, and that made things a bit more complex. I had to think about my tactics, and at the same time I was losing, so that wasn't fun.

But I tried to make his life difficult, and to come to an end in the game, but that was sufficient for me to be back in the set. That was a very nice match we had, and I'm very happy the way I fought today.

Q. Yes, but you didn't answer. Were you a bit worried at 5‑1 in the thirdset?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, a bit. But I was not afraid to die, so everything was okay.

Q. That type of match, is that something you have to go through for a Grand Slam, having a difficult match? Does it make your life easier afterwards?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I like easy matches, but it's also nice to fight on these difficult matches, especially when you win. Then it's nice to talk about this match, but I have good experience here in Roland Garros on the center court.

Physically speaking, I was fine. I was fit. I can't forecast any problem for the future,and the work I did over the last month pays off.

Q. You explained your mistakes all along this match. Is it due to lack of concentration and lack of focus? Did it happen in your head, as well?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, it's a combination of many things. He played very well. I was not managing and controlling the match the way I should have. Having him back,allowing him to come back was not a good thing.

Well, many things. My analysis now is different from the one I had at the end of the second set, which I should have won and I lost, but he did deserve a few sets.

Q. You talked about your tactical problems. Do you feel your game has evolved over the last years here in Roland Garros?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, quite clearly. At the beginning I had many difficulties with my backhand, for instance. For instance,in '03 when I won Wimbledon afterwards, I think I was not very solid from a mental stand point. After I lost the first set, it was almost impossible for me to be back and win the match.

And I put too much pressure on myself, even before the match. Today I'm much calmer, which is very helpful. I also have more experience, so I know the players more than I used to. Physically, mentally, I'm stronger. I have improved my backhand, so I hope I play better today than I did a few years ago.
Q. On the match point, what was your feeling? Were you relieved you avoided a trap?
ROGER FEDERER: No, I had good feeling. I thought it was a very good match for me.

Many mistakes, but many mistakes in three‑and‑a‑half hours, that's pretty normal. But there were many winning points, as well. I made many aces, no double faults, so statistics were good for me.

What I want to say with the crowd at the end, they ‑‑ I had a standing ovation at the end, and that's very moving each time. I have a feeling I'm the grand favorite here in Paris,and that's very nice.

Q. Maybe this is a stupid question, but you won the draw and you decided to receive. Is it a new approach?

ROGER FEDERER: I returned? Okay. Okay. I returned. I was not serving. Yeah, I decided to return, because it was raining a bit. I said, Okay, serve. You first, and we'll see a fterwards.

So I chose it. I made that decision because I didn't feel I was capable of scoring four aces in a row.


Q. A double question: Did you look at Mirka and Pierre any more than you usually do? And second question, why do you have to have the people supporting you each time?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I probably did look at them a bit more than during the first match, because ‑‑ well, I had more opportunities. When you have a fight like this one, your team is important, and they did support me.

I said to Mirka, It's important you remain calm in difficult moments. Well,it's better for her right now. No, but it's fine with Pierre, Gary. They all supported me. That was important.

With the crowd? Honestly, I do nothing. Maybe this is what the people like. I'm not trying to seduce the crowd. I just try and play beautiful tennis. If they like it, great. If they don't like it, nothing I can do. I also think being a fair player with regards to your opponent, with regards to the game, with regards to the people there,it's very important to me, and this is something people seem to like.
(我也許比第一場比賽多看他們幾眼,因為--我有更多機會。當你有像這樣的戰鬥,你的團隊就很重要,他們的確支持了我。我跟Mirka說過,她在艱困時刻保持冷靜很重要。她現在有比較好。但當然Pierre, Gary都很好,他們都支持著我,那很重要。至於群眾,說真的。我什麼都沒做。也許這是人們所喜歡的,但我不會去引誘群眾。我只是嘗試打場漂亮的網球。如果他們喜歡,那很棒。如果他們不喜歡,沒有什麼是我可以做的。我也認為做為一個好球員要尊敬你的對手,尊敬比賽,尊敬在那的人們,這對我來說很重要,這看起來人們會比較喜歡。)

Q. Between 30 Celsius your first day and a humid atmosphere today, has the court evolved? Is it more of a problem? And if yes, do you look at the weather forecast?
(第一天30度和今天的溼氣,場地有改變嗎?這是個問題嗎? 如果是,你會看天氣預測嗎?)
ROGER FEDERER: Well, yes, of course. It has to do ‑‑ the weather has to do with the tension I decide for my racquets because the ball bounces more and the surface is faster. The kick was not going very high, and the ball remains lower.

Then there are advantages linked to the conditions we had today. But the way Acasuso was playing today, maybe that was not a great advantage. But that's also the way I won in Hamburg, so that's why I like this surface.

When you know it's going to be wet weather you can adapt. I've been playing on wet clay courts since I was a young kid, so I know this surface.

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