

Nike Plus (小費只出現一點點 約在19-23秒 @@")



最近看大家留言 還有小費的官網留言整個很刺激
發生好多事情 都讓人很驚訝 不然就很驚喜
他們倆真的是一對閃光放不完的couple XD


Dear Fans

I arrived in Indian Wells earlier this week and I am eager to get back out on court. My back is feeling much better and I am ready to go.
(這週稍早我抵達了Indian Wells,而且很渴望的再度回到球場上。我的背感覺有比較好了。 我已經準備好了。)

I also have some really awesome news to share with all of you: Mirka and I are excited to let you know that we will be parents this summer! Mirka is pregnant and we are so happy to be starting a family together. This is a dream come true for us. We love children and we are looking forward to being parents for the first time. Mirka is feeling great and everything is going well.
(我還有一些真的很棒的消息要和你們分享:Mirka和我非常興奮的要告訴你們,我們即將在這個夏天為人父母! Mirka懷孕了,我們非常開心能夠開始一起組ㄧ個家庭,這對我們來說真的是美夢成真。我們喜愛小孩,而且對於第一次當爸媽感到期待。Mirka感覺很好,每件事都很順利。)

Speak soon and thanks for all your continued support!


看到小費願意跟我們分享人生大事 感到很開心~
而且他在記者會上都沒有提 反而選擇在官網上留言 (Really sweet ^^)
早上本來用手機上網 看到 迷 與 TTW 的留言
整個很驚訝~ 馬上趕到官網看看消息
坐在早餐店 等著餐點送來的我
邊看小費留言 邊覺得很感動~
小費不只有在場上 連場下都走入人生的另一個階段了啊~
很奇妙的是 跟這件事情相比 那些記錄和世界第一
想像小孩叫小費Papi 或 Daddy的樣子 >///<
XD 開始想了很多很多事


對了 剛剛看雙打籤表

Krist - 3/12


Hi! I'm Back.
再次看到Roger 親切與熟悉感又回來了
記者會上說分明~ 頭髮長了~

所以覺得他的體型好像有變比較好 很fit的感覺


No need for extra Federer motivation against Nadal
說到小費上個月輸給納豆的事 還有這次Indian Wells 決賽可能會碰上納豆
“I love playing matches against him, especially those five-setters, seeing if I can hang with him physically without a problem,” Federer told reporters on Wednesday. “He’s the greatest challenger I’ve ever had.”
“I am really motivated because I don’t know how much better he can play. I don’t know how much better I can play but I am right there and he’s playing the tennis of his life.”
“I thought I played a great match for four-and-a-half sets,” the 27-year-old said. “I guess I let go a little bit at the end. He looked tired and I couldn’t take advantage of it.
“I think I played great off the baseline, I just didn’t serve great and I think that cost me the match also.
“He’s a great player at the moment,” Federer said of the Spanish left-hander, whose last three victories against the Swiss have come in grand slam finals.
“He has proved himself on all surfaces now and I guess it all started for him when he beat me comfortably at the (2008) French Open. He forgot how it feels losing and I had lost to him a couple of times before that.”
“I am very happy with Severin,” he added. “We have been working the last one-and-a-half years together, so nothing really changes. I just continue with the great team that I have.”

Federer returns to action, coach-less as usual
說到小費在因背傷休息六週後 回到ATP賽事 然後和他近幾年的情況一樣:這次也沒有全職教練

“After I decided not to play those two events I thought it would be a good time for a test,” said Federer, a three-time champion of this event at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. “He (Cahill) came over to Dubai and we worked a bit and we decided we’re not going to do it, so we’re moving on.
“It was a test. We said let’s see how it goes first and go back and think about it. He thought it was tough for him to do the traveling with his kids and everything. It never really got to the point where I had to think too far and make a decision on my own. I never really had to go there. He took the decision for me.”


“am I going to keep on playing with a little bit of pain and maybe make it really worse, or have a rest and be sure I’m able to play the next six months without a problem?
“It was a tough decision. It’s a priority for me to look at the long-term. It’s my goal to play for many more years. It was a tough decision. I know I let some people down. I felt after the U.S. Open and the Olympics that the schedule was good enough that I could play Davis Cup so I announced it, then the back problem occurred.”

Roger Federer wants to show he can go from two to one
(Roger Federer想要展現他可以從二到一的位置)

After ruling the tennis world for years, he sets sights on dethroning the current No. 1, Rafael Nadal. While readying for Indian Wells event, he also ponders his future.
(在統治網壇幾年後,小費將目標放在把納豆從現在世界第一的位置趕下來。就在準備Indian Wells賽事的同時,小費也仔細考慮了自己的未來。)

Roger Federer exists in a room like royalty. He doesn't act it. You feel it.
He is a regular guy who really can't be one. The handshake is firm, eye contact direct. His smile says he is happy to do this, to spend this interview time with you. The reality is that he'd rather be a thousand other places.

The world of tennis hasn't seen him publicly since he crumbled in the fifth set of the Australian Open final and fought back a flood of tears. Unsuccessfully.
Now, he is here, in Indian Wells, getting back on the horse that threw him, and doing so with a combination of confidence and humility we have always found irresistible. The men's draw begins today, and Federer will probably start Saturday.
(現在,他在這,在Indian Wells,以一如往常我們無法抵抗如此有自信與謙遜的態度,重新回來。男單的賽事今天開始了,Roger可能會在周六開打。)
For three years, starting in 2004, this tournament was his personal playground. In those three years, as well as 2007, almost every tournament was. He didn't just dominate. He ruled.
In 2004-07, he won 11 of the possible 16 major titles. Until Aug. 18 of last year, Federer had been the No. 1 men's player in the world. That covered a record 237 weeks.
Maybe one of the first signs of the crown tilting a bit came at this tournament in 2007, then the Pacific Life Classic and now the BNP Paribas Open. He lost in the second round to a journeyman, Guillermo Canas, and lost to Canas again in the next event in Miami.
(也許王冠傾斜的第一個徵兆就是在2007年的Indian Wells,他在第二輪輸給Canas,然後又再下一個賽事Miami再次輸給他。)
Then, last year, he was chased out in 63 minutes and straight sets in the semifinals by Mardy Fish.
"I remember thinking, this is going pretty fast," Fish says now, "and thinking, hey, this was Roger Federer, and wishing afterward that it had lasted longer so I could savor it more."
(Fish說: 我記得當時所想的,這一切都很快,然後想說 哇 這是Roger Federer耶,然後希望這樣的事情可以再持續久一點,好讓我可以品嘗多一點這種滋味。)
Federer is an accomplished artist whose tools happen to be a racket and strings. He also is an accomplished spokesman for the sport, a pro athlete who has resisted the temptation to badmouth or downplay the achievements of the new man on the throne, Rafael Nadal.
"Yes, I like Rafa, we get along well," Federer says. "He is having the time of his life right now. I had a great run, but for the moment, he is the best in the world."
There is always that "for the moment" phrase. Tennis ought to be thrilled. Avis hasn't quit trying to be Hertz. The most famous No. 2 since Sarah Palin still has designs on No. 1.
(總是有"現在這個時刻"的說詞。網球界應該要覺得害怕。?從Sarah Palin 以來最有名的世界第二,對世界第一還是有渴望。)
When Nadal beat him in the Australian final, the Spaniard took his head-to-head record with Federer to an unthinkable 13-6 overall and five straight. Federer says of that match: "The next day, I was motivated to play him again."
Federer's next shot at a major will be on the clay at Roland Garros in Paris, where Nadal has won the last four and where Federer is perceived to be the least effective. Federer addresses that with humility and humor.
(小費下一個主要目標就是紅土的法網,這塊地納豆已經贏得過去4個冠軍,而小費被認為 對於這個小費用謙虛和幽默的口語表達)
"I don't have a problem on clay," he says. "I have a Rafa problem on clay."
The Australian is six weeks in the past, the French 10 weeks in the future.
That made Indian Wells the perfect desert oasis to talk about things not usually on the interview list. Kind of People magazine meets Sports Illustrated.
(那讓Indian Wells成為沙漠上最完美的綠洲,讓我們可以談談一些通常不會在訪問裡的東西。像是People雜誌遇上運動畫刊。)
The 27-year-old Federer says his only sibling, sister Diana, 20 months his elder, is a nurse in Switzerland, has a nice boyfriend and never played much tennis.
"She was good at ground hockey and volleyball," he says, nodding and smiling at the possibility that she might have been a better athlete than he, given the chance.
He says his calm demeanor on the court dates back to a time when his parents advised him, then a teenage racket-thrower, that he'd get more out of his game if he didn't get so emotional about every point.

"I still think, even being like that, I could have had a pretty good career," he says. "But they looked at what was best in the long run, and parents are usually right."
The man who has met presidents, kings and diplomats went quickly from Tiger Woods to an even bigger name when asked who was most impressive on his list of elbow-rubbing with dignitaries.
"You shake hands with him," Federer says, "and you sit there later and you think, 'Oh, my God, the pope.' The night before, you sit there and think, 'What do I wear? What is appropriate?' "
(你和他握手,然後你之後坐在那,你就想 天啊~ 這是教宗耶。而在前一晚,你坐在那想著:我該穿什麼好? 什麼比較妥當?)
Years ago, Federer started a foundation that gets children into school in South Africa and keeps them there. He remembers his visit a few years ago.
"To see them happy as they are, I remember that," he says. "They were in a place with friends. They were part of something. Some people think kids just need toys to be happy. They need so much more."

And he talked about a tennis afterlife.
"Five years ago, had you asked about that," he says, "I would have told you about how I was No. 1 and was still winning Slams. I would have been defensive. Now, that is a fair question.
"This is a transition time in my life. I'm still competitive, still trying to win Slams, but I think about what comes next. It might be the foundation, it might be something with one of my longtime sponsors. I hope it is something still connected to tennis. That's been my life."
Even for royalty, there is a twilight. Federer hopes his isn't quite here yet.


剛剛看到官網寫說Indian Wells
小費有打雙打!!! (雙打籤表要在星期四才會出來)
是說 看到小費打雙打 不知道為什麼 心中充滿問號???
Anyway... 能提早看到小費也不錯~

Indian Wells果然是1000等級的賽事
籤表好多人 好擠啊~
不但有每次遇見每次擊敗的對手ex:寫出來感覺不太好 大家自己去看看就知道(下半籤同邊)
也有每次遇見每次"被"擊敗的對手 ex:Murray, Simon (下半籤另一邊,四強遭遇)
這人我對他不太熟~ ATP官網說他是危險的對手

稍微瀏覽一下這次Indian Wells的陣容吧~~~

上半 納豆區
納班、MONFILS、BERDYCH、SAFIN、ISNER(這人幾年前出來的時候大家不是看好他嗎??? 他到底怎麼了?)


下半 小費區 (真的都是這幾年一直遇到的對手)

(盧彥勳如果順利進第二輪的話 就會對上Simon)

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