Federers Test mit Coach Darren Cahill
是關於小費的coach 教練的事情

Thanks to jason2505 on


Roger Federer ended the speculations and confirmed the rumour, that he is training with the former australian top player Darren Cahill.
(小費終結大家的推測,並證實他和前澳洲頂尖球員Darren Cahill一起做訓練的謠言。)

"It´s true. Cahill is in Dubai, and the test for a few days for a possible cooperation" said Federer via his manager Tony Godsick in NY. "There´s no decision yet if they will continue. For sure Severin Lüthi will keep on working with Roger, like last year, when Roger hired Jose Higueras."
(小費在紐約的經紀人 Tony Godsick 說:這是真的。Cahill在杜拜沒錯,而且和小費試著合作幾天看看。但還沒有做決定,不知道會不會繼續。Severin Lüthi 會繼續和小費一起工作這是確定的,就像去年,當小費僱用Jose Higueras,Severin Lüthi 也一起和Roger合作。)

43-year old Cahill is a youth-friend of Federer former australian coach Peter Carter who died in an car-accident in South-Africa( Cahill came to the funeral to Basel). The son of John Cahill, a legendary football-player and - coach comes from Adelaide and got because of his aggressive way of tennis the nickname "killer". He won Gstaad `88 (in the final vs Hlasek) and San Francisco `91. That were his only tournament wins. He attended the SF of the US Open `88 , where he beat Boris Becker. His best ranking was #22. When he retired after a knee inury in `94, he had won about 1,4 Million $.
(43歲的Cahill是一個和小費前澳洲教練Peter Carter年輕時候的朋友(Carter死於南非的車禍,Cahill去了Basel的喪禮)。Darren Cahill是傳奇足球員&教練John Cahill的兒子,從Adelaide而來,因為極具侵略性的球風,而有著"殺手"的稱號。他在1988年贏得Gstaad單打冠軍,以及在1991年的San Francisco。那是他唯一贏得的賽事(?) 他參加了1988年的美網在第二輪打敗Boris Becker,一路闖進半決賽(*) ,最好的排名是第22名。1994年因為膝蓋受傷,所以退休,生涯贏得約1,4 百萬美元。)

(?)Wiki 維基百科寫說Gstaad是Cahill在1988年贏得的第一個頂級單打冠軍,而San Francisco 是最後一個贏得的單打冠軍
so 英文翻譯後面接"那是他唯一贏得的賽事" 感覺怪怪的~ 是指ATP嗎?

He was more successfull as a coach. He made Lleyton Hewitt to the Number 1 till they broke up at the end of `01. After that he worked for 4,5 years with Agassi, who became Number 1 under him again. He still has close connections to the Agassi, who retired in fall 2006. Cahill lives with his wife & 2 children in Las Vegas.
(他在當教練方面比較成功。在他的調教之下,讓 Lleyton Hewitt成為世界第一,直到他們在2001年分開。在那之後,他和Agassi合作了4、5年,讓Agassi再度成為世界第一。他和2006秋天退休的Agassi一直保持密切連絡。Cahill和妻子,還有兩個小孩一起在Las Vegas生活。)


也許會很合小費即將邁入的情況吧!!! Let's see & Hope

2007 & 2008 he was assistent coach for the Aussie Davis Cup Team. Just two weeks ago he retired from that job, giving personal reasons as explanation. The rumour Federer & Cahill could work together lives on since 2004, when Federer broke up with Peter Lundgren.
(2007和2008他輔助教練澳洲的DC團隊,而兩週前他以個人理由做為解釋,退出這個工作。從2004當小費和Peter Lundgren分開,就開始有謠言說小費和Cahill可以一起合作。)

Federer underlined, that his retirements from dubai and the DC in Birmingham vs the USA have nothing to do with the test-training with Cahill. "No one should question Rogers honesty according to his back. He made a selfish and unpopoular decision, but it was the only possibility for his health and his back. He noticed that his back got a problem again and wanted to eleminate this before it could become a real handicap", said Godsick.

Ready for Indian Wells (為Indian Wells做好準備)

Federer has trained hard in the last 2 weeks with Pierre Paganini at his back and is now totally in shape to play without any problems. He will come to California at the beginning of the next week to play Indian Wells and Miami. If Cahill will be at his side is not sure yet, said Godsick. The possibility to work together came up in the last weeks, and in his will to always get better, Roger did not want to let this chance pass him by. "The test is important for both of them. Although they know and respecht each other, it could be that their personalities do not match together", said Godsick.
(經紀人說:「小費過去兩週已經很努力的和Pierre Paganini做些背部訓練,現在完全在狀態上,沒有任何問題。他在下週初會去California參加Indian Wells 和 Miami。至於 Cahill 會不會在他這邊,還沒確定。一起合作的可能在上週才想到,而他總是有好還要更好的意志,小費不會想要讓這個機會從他身上跳走。這個測試對他們兩個非常重要,雖然他們認識也尊敬對方,可是他們的個性可能合不來也說不定。」 )

*小費合作(or 即將可能合作)的教練有三個是澳洲人
Peter Carter(小費年輕時候的教練,對小費很重要的一個人)
Tony Roche(05尾-07初吧, 我還記得07年澳網顛峰Tony Roche笑得很開心 XD)
Darren Cahill (幫助Agassi再度成為No.1 聽說Verdasco之前澳網也有找他,然後Verdasco在澳網狀態很好)

*小費能持續嘗試新事物 破為他開心 ^^
*日子過得超快的 剛剛驚覺Indian Wells要開賽了 就在下週 @@


Gillette - Fusion Gamer

Télé top matin 瑞士的TV雜誌

還是一樣 關於National Suisse的訪問片段

Das Interview



這個是Nationale Suisse拍攝廣告的影片
有小費的訪問 不過是德語
他一定會是個有耐心又有愛心的好爸爸 QQ

好小子 這麼小就見過Roger 還和Roger一起玩耍

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