
6-3, 6-2, 7-6(5)


先給大家看一點可愛的小費... 釦子XD


因為Hisense球場 5號種子Ivanovic出現危機
第二盤有淘汰的危險 所以就先播這場
大事不妙 趕緊跑到電腦前要找網路電視
結果全都lag 口||
最後只好放棄 看著比分 兩人一直保發
後來心想 看不到小費的比賽 乾脆就看隔壁球場的好了
這樣至少還看了場刺激的好球賽 而不是在看記分板度過
一方面看那胖妹打球 另一方面回來看小費的比分
最後呢 Ivanovic是被一個打球會甩頭的高分貝年輕俄羅斯胖妹Kleybanova給淘汰了
Kleybanova 還真是.... 有讓我驚奇到ㄝ
我以為很多球她都趕不到 因為她移位讓人感覺沒有很輕快
但都被她奮力的拼進去了 而Ivanovic就因此而失誤

第一盤 聽說雙方來回次數很少 都一直保發 發球狀況都不錯
一直到第8局 小費逮到3個破發點 最後是Safin雙誤破發

尤其是反拍的防守 發揮得淋漓盡致 (超愛看這個的!!!!!!!!)
反拍的轉守為攻、正拍的橫掃和回馬槍也是賞心悅目 好球不少

第三盤 小費狀況有點點下滑 擊球的失誤變多
記得04年澳網 他發球站錯邊 嚇了小費一跳XD
小費好像因此大受影響 連丟兩分
扯平之後 最後一分 小費還是運用了非常漂亮的轉守為攻得分 從場外打進場內
這一分又是在賽末點 看得真過癮XD

希望不管對面是誰 都能繼續保持!!! 加油!
這人籤表出來我就說過 要小心謹慎 弄個不好會莫名奇妙吃虧的選手

by the way
那個西班牙選手 超man的 也是打單反

26 33 52

Safin(RUS) / Federer(SUI)
1st Serve %: 46 of 90 = 51 % / 53 of 89 = 60 %
Aces: 14 / 9
Double Faults: 2 / 1
Unforced Errors: 33 / 28
Winning % on 1st Serve: 29 of 46 = 63 % / 45 of 53 = 85 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve: 26 of 44 = 59 % / 23 of 36 = 64 %
Winners (Including Service): 33 / 26
Receiving Points Won: 21 of 89 = 24 % / 35 of 90 = 39 %
Break Point Conversions: 0 of 0 = 0 % / 3 of 4 = 75 %
Net Approaches: 9 of 21 = 43 % / 6 of 13 = 46 %
Total Points Won: 76 / 103

對了 破很喜歡每次小費比賽前衛視播放的小費影片 還配音樂~

Q. Today Marat and Fabrice played probably the last matches here. Can you assess who they are in the tennis, what they represent?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I hope Marat will not. He told you. He's pretty sure about it.
(我希望Marat不是最後一次在這裡打。他告訴過你 他非常確定?)

Q. Yeah. (是的)

ROGER FEDERER: That's disappointing. I love playing the guy. It's not like it's the end, right? I'm making it sound like he's not going to ever play tennis again.

Anyway, I love playing against the guy. He brings something different to the tennis world with his character, the way he is on the court and the way he is off the court. He's larger than life.

Yeah, I respect him for what a competitor he is. I hope it's not the last one tonight. If it were to be the last one at the Australian Open, I think we both kind of feel good about having played each other at the highest level. We tried to come with a good match.

On Fabrice, I guess he's one of those magicians that's going to leave the game. It's unfortunate, but I think his time is coming too. His game is not very easy to play at this stage. Players are getting stronger and faster and more powerful. He doesn't have that much of possibilities from the baseline, but still makes it work.

It's incredible effort what he has been able to do over all the years. There again, I was fortunate enough to learn things from him, because he's quite a tricky player to play against. He teaches you how to treat a tennis ball. You know, not to go crazy about it.

Marat can write a song about playing Fabrice. I'm happy I understood how to play Fabrice, because it's a tricky way to play against him. It was great. There again, I hope I'll get a chance to play him again.
(這讓人很失望。我喜歡和他打,這是不像是終點,我好像在說他不會再打網球的話。 總之,我很喜歡和他比賽,他的人格特質位網球界帶來很不一樣的東西,球場上以及球場下的樣子。 對,我視他為競爭者那樣的尊敬他,我希望今晚不是最後一次。如果這是最後一次在澳網,我想我們對於這場高水準的比賽都感到很棒,我們嘗試要打一場好的比賽。 而對於Fabrice,我想他是要離開比賽的其中一位魔術師。這很不幸,但我想時間也到了。在這個場地他的比賽打得不是很容易,球員更加強壯與快速,且更有力量。他在底線沒有那麼多的機會,但他還是拼到了。這幾年他所做的努力是非常了不起的。我非常幸運的可以從他那邊學到很多東西,因為他是個很古怪的球員,他教你如何處理網球,而不是瘋狂亂打一通。Marat可以寫一首關於和Fabrice打球的歌(這是啥?!)。我很開心知道怎麼打Fabrice。這很棒。 我希望我可以有這個機會再和他對打。)

Q. When the time comes for you to make a similar decision, do you think you'll announce it at the start of the year? Or do you think when you've played your last match you'll just say, That was that?
(當你要做相同決定的時間到了,你覺得你會在年初就宣佈了嗎? 或是你打到你的最後一場比賽,然後就退休?)
ROGER FEDERER: That's a tough call. I guess saying it one year in advance it's kind of tough, too. Everywhere you go they make a big deal about it. Is that what you want? Okay, that's fine. That's is what you choose to do.

If you just say, like Agassi, for instance, he did it at Wimbledon, right? The US Open it was all done. It's a shorter period. Maybe less pressure to play, and then that's it.

But people just do it also last match, this is my last tournament. Bang, that's it. I don't know what type of guy I am. I'm not thinking about it. Obviously I don't know what's going to happen. Yeah, a year seems a long time to me.
(要宣布退休這是很艱難的。我想在年初就搶先宣佈,這也很艱難。你走到哪裡 大家就要把這件事情搞大。這是你想要的嗎? 如果是,沒問題。那是你的選擇。如果你在退休沒多久前說,舉個例子像阿格西,他在溫布頓的時候說了對吧? 到美網一切結束。這是比較短的期間。也許打球會有少一點的壓力,然後結束它。但人們還是會在最後一場球賽做文章,這是我的最後一場球賽,然後就沒了。我不知道我是哪一種人。我不想去想它。很明顯的我不知道什麼事情會發生。嗯,對我來說一年前宣布的話是個很長的時間。)

Q. To beat him in straight sets you must feel pretty good.
ROGER FEDERER: I thought it was a good match for me. I played well from the start. I didn't give him a whole a lot. I don't think I have to save breakpoint, which I guess is great against such a good returner like Marat can be.

I understand that I didn't play Marat in his prime. Still, there was moments where he did play very well for like, I would say, maybe in the third set I think he played great.

He just couldn't keep it up for the entire three sets. So he kind of missed too much in the first two. I took advantage of that. For me, it was a rock solid match. I came up with some good shots when I had to, and one them was the match point. I'm very happy about it.

Q. How much better are you feeling this year than last year at this tournament?
ROGER FEDERER: Just feel better overall. I'm more secure and I know with where my game is at. Physically and mentally I'm fresh, whereas last year I came in kind of tired. This year around I was just come out of a rough five‑setter. This time it's different.

It doesn't mean anything. I have to take match by match, and next round is, again, tough as hell. I played him last year in the fourth round. It was a really dangerous match. I played him at the Olympics and he's a great ball‑striker.

Q. Could you put a percentage on how much better you're feeling?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. You choose. I don't care.
(我不知道 你自個選吧 我不在乎)

Q. You make it look so easy sometimes on the court. Winning in three sets, do you think it acts as a bit of a warning to the rest of the field left at the Australian Open?
ROGER FEDERER: It's not really my goal, to be honest. I'm trying to win the matches, come through to the semifinals, and then hopefully win the tournament. That's my goal. Sending out massages? What's that good for? Doesn't make you win the tournament.

But, sure, I mean, it's nice winning in straight sets and it's nice beating great players like Marat in straight sets. It just makes you feel better and more confident for the next match. That's the only really benefit I see.
(說真的,這不是我的目標。我嘗試要贏比賽,闖過半決賽,希望能贏大滿貫。這是我的目標。透漏訊息? 這有什麼好處? 這不會讓你贏得這項賽事。但,當然的,直落三盤贏得比賽很好,和像Marat這樣的球員打能直落三盤很好。這只是讓你感覺很好,對下一輪比較有信心一點。這是我唯一能看見的好處。)

*Roger真的很實際 也不會去想太多...

Q. Did you think your opponent feels the fact that you're confident with a straight‑sets win?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, well, I'm playing smart at the moment. I'm making it tough on my opponents. That's what it's about for me. I come up with an occasional great shot that hopefully makes a difference. That's what I got to rely on.

Q. Did it make a difference playing in the evening session and saving your energy instead of playing out in the hot sun?
(夜場出賽相對於在大太陽底下打球,會比較省力嗎? 有不同嗎?)
ROGER FEDERER: That's what we build for is to play in the tough heat. That's what why I go to Dubai and practice at 45 degrees in the summertime. This is not a problem, 40 degrees.

I like playing in the daytime because of the wind, the heat. Makes it all a bit more difficult for the mind. This is where I'm very strong, so I know this actually suits my game.

Yeah, I mean, look, day or night I have to take it. Usually night is going to make the decision here because the finals is played at night.
(這就是我們要訓練的 在高溫下打球,這就是為什麼我去杜拜,在45度下訓練,所以這很何我胃口。白天或晚上,我都必須要去承受。通常在這裡夜晚出賽比較好,因為決賽在夜晚打。)

Q. Speaking to your new role as players' leader, player council, what are your thoughts on the fact that, again, there were horrible crowd scenes outside today?
(說到關於你扮演球員的領導,球員委員的新角色,你有什麼想法? 今天外面有糟糕的群眾場面)
ROGER FEDERER: No, it's disappointing. Terribly disappointing. Tennis is a game of a lot of fairness. You know, we treat each other well on the court, the players. Fans are always very polite. You don't applaud bad shots, only good shots. That's the way tennis is.

Fans, 99.9% of the time, are always great. Then you have some people who carry it outside of the tennis courts, lose their minds. It's unfortunate.

It's not what's supposed to happen. I think we set an example as players, and the fans should follow. I know it's only a small amount of people doing it, but it kind of disrupts the tournament. This tournament works so hard all year long to make up a good event. I call it the "Happy Slam." Then you come here and you see these scenes. They don't deserve it, this tournament. It's disappointing. I think the tournament will get over it.
(很失望。非常的失望。網球是一個非常光明的運動。我們在球場上對對方都很好,球迷都很有禮貌。你不會為爛球喝采,只會為好球喝采,這就是網球。球迷有99.9%的時候都很好。有些人把這些帶到網球場外,發了瘋。這很不幸。這不是應該要發生的事情,我想我們球員做了球員的示範,球迷必須要跟進。我知道只有少數人做那些事情,但有點瓦解了這項賽事。這項賽事很努力的用一整年要把它辦好。我叫他開心的大滿貫。 然後你來到這,看到這些事情。這對他們(這個大滿貫)來說不值得。很令人失望。我想這項賽事會復原的)

*啊 今天澳網到底是發生什麼事情??????


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