6-1, 6-3


第一盤小卡先發 第二盤小費先發
感覺小卡很被動 還發出雙誤送掉自己的發球局
別看比數這樣 Roger其實還有很多要改進的

等待頒獎的時刻 小卡和小費坐在一起聊起天來 >///<

後來stan上台致詞 小費在台下聽stan在講什麼

這兩人 在搞什麼啊XD

後來該小費出場 還和好幾個球童擊掌


賽後訪問 My God 超多~
有誤會意思或有錯 跟我說一下 教學相長^^
Listen! 小費的訪問MP3

Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club
Saturday, 17 January 2009

Q. Roger, taking into account the three weeks build-up to the Open, how do you feel your preparations are for the Open that starts on Monday?
ROGER: Good. You know, I mean I played plenty of matches, so that's not the issue; no health problems, feeling fresh and fit and ready to go and excited, so things are the way I was hoping them to be.
(很好。 我的意思是我打了很多場比賽,沒有健康問題,感覺很煥然一新 狀態很不錯,已經準備好了,非常興奮,事情都如我所願)

Q. How different are you feeling leading up to this Open compared to last year when you had to bypass this event?
ROGER: Well, last year was more just a race trying to get in shape, or in decent shape for the first round, so it is quite different. You know, I couldn't really work on anything. I was just trying to hopefully hit a few times before Monday, and then, you know, ask for a Tuesday start and then I get one more day of rest, and that's what I got, I think, and then just hoping I get through the first round and then sort of feel my way into the tournament. This time it's different, just because I've been playing plenty of matches. I also played Doha, which I didn't do last year, so I actually came into the Australian Open not playing at all, you know, so this has just changed a lot because of, in a way, higher expectations than last year, because last year was just a matter of playing the tournament, this time I try to win it.
(去年比較像是試著要讓自己迎頭趕上,或者讓自己能在第一輪表現得比較像樣一點,所以有點不同。 你知道的,我無法讓任何事情成功。 我只是希望在星期一之前能練習幾次,然後請求星期二開始我的比賽,可以多休息一天,接著希望可以闖過第一輪,嘗試找到自己的感覺。這次非常的不一樣,因為我打了很多場比賽。 我今年參加了Doha,去年沒有。 這些都改變很多,因為有比去年更高的期望,因為去年只是打澳網,而這次是要嘗試贏得澳網。 )

Q. Is it difficult to beat up a colleague like that, or is it too close to a Slam to show any compassion?
(你覺得像這樣痛宰對方難嗎? 還是因為離大滿貫太近不能給予任何的憐憫和同情?)
ROGER: No. Sure, you know, I wish we could have played a bit closer. You know, tennis happens in a way that if you get the lead sometimes - or in sports in general - you find momentum, and I started to play really well, and for him it's the opposite: from playing well he goes the other way, so it is kind of tough for him. It was windy conditions, and I mixed it up a lot anyway, so I never really gave him a whole lot of rhythm, which made it hard for him to come back into the match today. But you can't show any mercy, you just try to play a good match, and if it's 6-1, 6-1, that's what it's, and if it's 7-5, 7-5, that's what it is. But I'm happy at the way I played and, for me anyway, it was fun playing Stan today.
(當然你知道的 我希望我們可以打得不分上下。 網球或其他運動常常發生這種事情:你可能變得有氣勢,從某刻開始打得不錯,但對於他是相反的,所以對他來說有點艱困。 比賽的時候有點風,我混合著多樣化的打法,所以沒讓他把節奏帶著走,這讓他更難挽救這場比賽。 你不能露出任何憐憫的樣子,你只是嘗試要打一場好比賽,比賽結果是6-1, 6-1就是6-1, 6-1。 如果是7-5 7-5那就是這樣的結果。 但我對自己的表現非常開心,而且對我來說和小卡打球是非常有趣的。)

Q. You mentioned higher expectations this year as opposed to last year. Are they your own expectations?
(你提到和去年相反 今年有更高的期望 這指的是你自己的期望嗎?)
ROGER: Yeah, I was talking about my own expectations, yes.
(是啊 我是在說我自己的期望)

Q. What expectations do you have for this year?
ROGER: Winning the tournament, obviously. I don't come here to lose in the fourth round. Those times are over.
(當然贏得澳網。 我不是來這輸掉第四輪 那些都已結束)

Q. Roger, is your confidence in this Open higher than it has been for any of the last year's majors, before any of last year's majors?
(Roger 你對澳網比起去年任何一項賽事,在去年任何一項賽事前都有更大的信心?)
ROGER: I didn't understand the beginning.

Q. Well, it was a struggle early last year and it was not a good year, apart from the US, major-wise, so I'm wondering about your confidence for this Open compared to your form last year?
(去年初你非常掙扎,去年也不是很好的一年,除了美網。所以我在想 關於你對澳網的信心和去年相比)

ROGER: Well, I mean, I am always confident entering any Grand Slam, really, because of all the success I have had in the last six years. I don't remember entering any Slam, really, where I said "Oh God, you know, I know it's not going to work out for me." I always feel on the day I'm going to play well at the Slam, and it's going to take an incredible performance by somebody else to beat me, and that's what has happened over the last few years. And I know it's exactly the same again this year, so the expectations are high from my side to do well, and I'm always eager to do well, you know, in the beginning of the year, to try to build some momentum for the rest of the year.
(因為過去六年的成功,我總是很有信心的參予任何一個大滿貫。我不記得我參予任何一項大滿貫是抱著「天啊~ 我一定不會成功的」。 我總是相信我會打得很好,而且會有人為了打敗我表現得很傑出,這些過去幾年都發生過。 我知道今年也是一樣的,所以我對自己有很高的期望,我要打得很好,我渴望自己能在今年的一開始打得很好,嘗試幫自己建立今年的一些氣勢)

Q. Roger, can you talk about the draw for the Open?
(Roger, 你可以說說關於澳網的籤嗎?)
ROGER: The draw - I think it's a tough draw, but a possible draw, you know. I always go round by round. The first round is a tough opponent. I played him in Doha just recently, in the second round. I had to play well. He makes me hit a lot of balls. He's steady off the baseline. I think I could have it easier in the first round, so it's dangerous. I have to make sure I play well from the start. You'll see he's a good player, so I have to be careful and hopefully get through that one and then see what happens.
(這個籤 我覺得很艱困,但也還可以啦。 我總是關關難過關關過XD。 第一輪的對手是個難打的傢伙。 我最近在Doha第二輪遇到他。我必須發揮得很好。 他讓我不得不和他對抽了很多球。 他在底線很穩。 我以為第一輪會很容易,沒想到這麼危險。 我必須一開始就打得很好才行。 你將會知道他是位很棒的球員,所以我必須小心處理,並且希望可以度過那一關,我們就看看事情會怎麼發生吧)

*Roger還蠻知己知彼的~ ^^

Q. You play Seppi in the first round, maybe Moya in the second and maybe Stan in the fourth. You've played them all?
(你第一輪要跟Seppi打,也許Moya會在第二輪等你,還有小卡在第四輪與你相見。 你都跟他們打過?)
ROGER: Yes. Djokovic in the semis, the other guy in the finals, and then we go on to the French Open. No, I understand. My focus isn't Seppi right now, and after that, you know, there's always tough guys around, no matter if they've won Slams or not. There's always tough players around.
(是的。 還有小德在半決賽,以及其他人在決賽等著我,接著我們就會往法網前進。 不,我了解。 我目前不是專注在Seppi,畢竟之後會有更難打的球員環伺著,不管你是否贏過大滿貫,都會有難打的球員在周圍)

*小費是想放遠眼光?! 他要解決的的確不只Seppi一人而已

Q. I mean you have played them all this year already. Would that be an advantage going into the Open?
ROGER: Well, kind of, you know. I mean, different day, different tournament, different conditions, so I'm not the guy who gets carried away. We'll see.
(也許有一點吧。 但這是另一天,另一項賽事,另一種狀況,所以我不會因此高興。我們瞧瞧。)


Q. Roger, do you feel you've demonstrated the same form going into the Australian Open as you had to win last year's US Open?
ROGER: When?

Q. Going into this year's Australian Open, do you've feel you demonstrated the same form that got you the victory in last year's US Open?
ROGER: This was an exo. The US Open is a Grand Slam.
(這是表演賽耶 美網是大滿貫)

*Roger的語氣也太可愛了吧 好像任性的小孩XD

Q. No, I'm talking about this year's Australian Open, going into the Open?

*意思是Roger已經ready了?! 真的嗎?!

Q. Do you feel as fit going into the Australian Open as you were going into the US Open?
(你覺得你跟去年要邁向美網一樣 已經在最佳的狀態要邁向澳網?)
ROGER: I was fit. I guess there was more sort of questions going into the US Open last year, because I lost early, unfortunately, in Cincinnati and Toronto. I actually played fine, you know, but just didn't get enough matches, and I didn't win a hardcourt tournament all season long, up until the US Open actually - which was quite a surprise, because usually this is my best surface, almost, next to grass. So there were a few questions here and there, even though I was in good spirits, you know, because of the Olympic doubles win. That gave me confidence, and I felt good at the net and I knew if things come together I'll play great tennis. That's kind of what happened. But the week before I was just kind of a little rattled, maybe early on the first few days in practice, and then the last three or four were good. I was playing well and feeling well, and I realised my game is exactly where I wanted it to be. I feel again this way this week. It was just a lot of questions because I hadn't played, and I know if things fall my way I'm going to play great tennis, and coming off a Grand Slam win is always a good feeling, whereas Wimbledon, I played great tennis but I didn't win it, so maybe just have a bit of extra pressure because of that.
(我覺得我已經在最佳狀態。 我猜去年邁向美網的問題會比較多,因為我輸掉兩場硬地賽事(Cincinnati and Toronto)。我其實打得還可以,只是沒有足夠多的比賽,所以我沒有贏得任何一項硬地賽事,直到美網,這讓我很驚訝,因為除了草地,接下來表現比較好的就是硬地,所以會有比較多的問題。但即使如此,因為奧運雙打奪金的關係,我的心理狀態仍然不錯。 這給了我信心,我在網前感覺很好,而且我知道如果我能利用這些,我可以打得很好。 但這週之前,也許在之前的練習吧 我好像笨蛋一樣,接著最後幾週還不錯,我打得很好,感覺很好,我了解到這就是我想要的。這週又再度感覺到這樣。 我知道如果事情都如我所願,我會打出傑出的網球,帶著大滿貫離開,這是一個很好的感覺,不過溫布頓我打得很好卻無法贏得它,也許這讓我有點額外的壓力)

Q. Roger, you are obviously in good touch. There has been a lot made about Andy being the favourite, Rafa being No. 1, you are the No. 2. Do you feel you are the one to beat in the Australian Open?
(羅傑 你顯然在很好的感覺之下。 有很多關於很紅的Murray的事情,納豆現在是世界第一,你是第二。你覺得在澳網你才是要被打敗的那個人嗎?(意思是要贏得澳網 必須通過小費這關吧?!))
ROGER: Well, it's an interesting scenario. Novak is the defending champion, you know, Rafa had an incredible year last year, and I've won this tournament plenty of times. So I guess it goes through the three of us a bit. We are the ones to beat, you know. Of course, you would have to put Andy in as well in there as favourite, as well, because he has played well the last few months. But I mean, it's going to take a heck of a performance from one of the players to win this tournament, so it's going to be interesting.
(這是很有趣的現象。 小德是去年的冠軍,納豆去年表現傑出,然後我在澳網贏了很多次。所以我猜也許和我們三人會比較有關吧 我們才是要被打敗的人。我的意思是...?(這裡不太懂) 所以這將會很有趣)

Q. Roger, you mentioned that you mixed it up a bit more today with the match against Stan. You stepped up the intensity. What aspects of your game do you feel you need to concentrate on to do well through the Open?
(羅傑,你提到和小卡的比賽你採取多樣混合的攻勢,你很強勢。關於你的比賽 你覺得在澳網你必須專注得把它打好嗎?)
ROGER: Just play my game, concentrate on my own game and not think too much how I have to play the other guy, how the other guy plays. I think I have to just really get a bit simple, you know, just think "What are my strengths? Okay, go with my strengths", and that should make the difference. I felt like I was moving well today. That's always a big key in my game, you know, that I can change defence to offence very quickly. I did that very well today. My serve wasn't working very well. That was a bit of a concern last year because of my back. Now I can slice, I can kick, I can hit hard again, which wasn't the case in Shanghai. I couldn't use my kick serve because of my back, which took away a few options, but things are falling into place nicely.
(就是在打自己的球,專注在自己的比賽,不要想太多其他的事情,例如我必須和他對打或是對方如何打這場比賽。我想我必須讓事情簡單,只是想想什麼是我的施力點(助力) 好,就用我的施力點(助力)去打這場比賽。 我感到今天自己的移位很不錯。這總是我比賽的關鍵。我的發球不是很好。 這和去年我的背有點關係。現在我可以切球,我可以用力的打,上海的時候我可不行。 我因為背的關係無法發出致命的一球,讓我少了些選擇,但事情已經好轉)

Q. What are you working on for next week? Do you think you need to employ a bit more volley?
(你現在要為下週做什麼訓練? 你需要練多一些截擊嗎?)
ROGER: Depending on the opponent. It really depends on how well the guy has returned, how conditions are. At night it is always a little bit slower than during the day, and some guys just love it when they have targets, so you don't want to come in against those players. But I'm aggressive and I love coming into the net. That's when I play my best.
(看對手是誰吧 這要看對手回擊多好,狀況怎樣。 夜間會比白天慢(是說場地嗎?) 有些人喜歡夜間,當他們有特別意圖,你不會想和這些人打。 但我很有侵略性,我喜歡上網,那是我打得最好的時候。)

Q. Particularly against Rafa, you will need to come into the net; would that be right?
(你必須要上網,特別是跟納豆打 對嗎?)
ROGER: Yes. It's easier said than done. Talk to Fabrice Santoro. He tried that last week and lost 0 and 1. People always say you have to come to the net, but you have to make sure you come to the net in a good way. You have to be solid off the baseline against any player today because they are all such good ball strikers. You have to come to the net in a good way, get good net position. This is kind of what you work on; not just running to the net like an idiot.
(是的。 說得比做得容易。 和Santoro聊天 他上週嘗試了這個,結果輸掉0和1(什麼意思啊???) 大家總是說你必需要上網,但你必須確定以好的方式上網。和當今任何球員對抗,你必須要在底線夠穩,因為他們抽球都很行。 你必須以最佳方式上網,網前的位置也要站得好,這是你要努力的,而不是像笨蛋一樣的跑向網前)

Q. Roger, do you have a preference on that Centre Court to either night or day matches?
ROGER: Not really. Of course, I think at the US Open I might, because I love playing at night there. But here, the crowds are really always good, day or night. I think there's always a special atmosphere - not that at the US Open there's no atmosphere during the day, don't get me wrong - but I think the US Open night session is something very special in tennis. It has become this as well here, at the Australian Open, but I'm not really the guy who tells Craig Tiley "Listen, put me in at day, put me in at night", because I will take whatever comes, and hope I can win the tournament this way.
(不盡然。當然如果是美網可能會有 因為在那比較喜歡晚上比賽。 但這裡,不管是白天或晚上,群眾都很好。 總是有特別的氛圍。 不是說美網白天就沒有氣氛 別誤會我 但我想美網夜晚的網球非常特別 這裡也是 在澳網 我不是那種告訴Craig Tiley「把我排在白天,把我排在夜晚」的人,因為不管怎樣我都會接受,也希望這樣贏得這項賽事)



還有這是決賽前會看到的畫面嗎?! XD >///<

太突然了 害我有點措手不及 @@
小費說 很開心 很有趣 和stan一起為國爭光是很棒的事情
對於今年的澳網 小費 還是那一套:他現在感到很好 很期待挑戰
對於溫布頓 小費說 去年的決賽不代表結束 今年他會再回來 希望他可以做到

賽前訪問:看小卡進步了多少 希望可以輕鬆贏得比賽(順著記者的話)XD


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